Possible symptoms of OAB

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Urinary urgency

A sudden, strong urge to urinate that you can’t control

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Urinary incontinence

When you don’t get to the washroom in time, before leaking urine

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Urinary frequency

Defined loosely as urinating eight or more times a day

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Waking up one or more times a night, with or without feelings of urinary urgency


Possible symptoms of OAB

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Urinary urgency

A sudden, strong urge to urinate that you can’t control

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Urinary incontinence

When you don’t get to the washroom in time, before leaking urine

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Urinary frequency

Defined loosely as urinating eight or more times a day

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Waking up one or more times a night, with or without feelings of urinary urgency

what causes OAB SYMPTOMS?

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A healthy bladder muscle expands as it fills with urine. ​ Once it's about half full, nerves in the bladder tell you it's time to urinate.

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OAB interrupts the normal storage of urine. It causes the bladder muscle to suddenly contract before the bladder is full.

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This can lead to frequent and sudden, strong urges to urinate, sometimes with leakage.

what causes OAB SYMPTOMS?

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A healthy bladder muscle expands as it fills with urine. ​ Once it's about half full, nerves in the bladder tell you it's time to urinate.

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OAB interrupts the normal storage of urine. It causes the bladder muscle to suddenly contract before the bladder is full.

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This can lead to frequent and sudden, strong urges to urinate, sometimes with leakage.

Doctors office desk


Overactive bladder (OAB) can greatly impact your day-to-day activities but it can be managed with the right treatment for you. It’s important to speak to your doctor about your symptoms to determine if you have OAB.

In order to diagnose OAB, your doctor may ask you a number of questions about your voiding pattern such as timing, frequency and discomfort. Your doctor may also ask you to keep a voiding diary to track when you void and how much you void. The more information you can provide about your symptoms, the easier it will be to make a diagnosis.

Your doctor may obtain a urine sample to perform a urinalysis which will rule out any infections or bladder diseases. It’s less likely but there is also a chance that your doctor may want to perform additional tests such as a cystoscopy which is a visual inspection of your bladder or a urodynamic assessment which will help them better understand your bladder function.

For Men

In men, there are two common causes for bladder problems: overactive bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Both of these conditions have similar symptoms such as urinary frequency and urgency. Based on the details of your symptoms and risk factors, your doctor can help determine which condition you are most likely to have and how to treat it.



Overactive bladder (OAB) can greatly impact your day-to-day activities but it can be managed with the right treatment for you. It’s important to speak to your doctor about your symptoms to determine if you have OAB.

In order to diagnose OAB, your doctor may ask you a number of questions about your voiding pattern such as timing, frequency and discomfort. Your doctor may also ask you to keep a voiding diary to track when you void and how much you void. The more information you can provide about your symptoms, the easier it will be to make a diagnosis.

Your doctor may obtain a urine sample to perform a urinalysis which will rule out any infections or bladder diseases. It’s less likely but there is also a chance that your doctor may want to perform additional tests such as a cystoscopy which is a visual inspection of your bladder or a urodynamic assessment which will help them better understand your bladder function.

For Men

In men, there are two common causes for bladder problems: overactive bladder and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). Both of these conditions have similar symptoms such as urinary frequency and urgency. Based on the details of your symptoms and risk factors, your doctor can help determine which condition you are most likely to have and how to treat it.